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V okviru cikla predavanj v Plečnikovem letu

Plečnik v pogledu od zunaj

bo 6. junija ob 18.00 v Avditoriju Narodne galerije predaval izjemni predavatelj

Prof. Emer. Dr. Steven Mansbach

Idiosinkratična moderna arhitektura

Ustvarjalna kombinacija konservativnih referenc in ideologije na eni in moderne arhitekture na drugi strani je bila deležna zelo malo pozornosti. Zaradi prevladujoče povezave liberalnih vrednot z modernimi oblikami in metodami, ki so jih dolgo s silno vnemo promovirali številni modernistični inovatorji, običajno poudarjamo preplet naprednih nazorov in revolucionarnih oblik. Toda to predstavlja le eno plat zaokrožene podobe modernizma. Ob upoštevanju idiosinkratične in ne-standardne arhitekture Jožeta Plečnika in ob vpogledu v opus pomembnega in hkrati dolgo spregledanega vzporednega katalonskega primera Lluísa Domènecha i Montanerja (1850-1923), bomo morda končno lahko rekonstruirali ideološko kompleksnost in estetsko celovitost modernistične arhitekture v celoti.

An Idiosyncratic Modern Architecture

Little attention has been paid to the creative combination of conservative reference and ideology, on the one hand, and modern architecture on the other. Due to a prevailing association of liberal values with modernist forms and methods, long powerfully advanced by many of modernism's greatest innovators, we tend to emphasize the union of progressive attitudes and revolutionary forms. But this represents only one side of a fully-rounded modernism. By considering the idiosyncratic and non-standard architecture created by Jože Plečnik, and by examining the critically important but long-overlooked parallel case of Lluís Domènech i Montaner (1850-1923), we might begin to restore the ideological complexity and aesthetic wholeness of modernist architecture in general.

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Prof. dr. Steven Mansbach je zaslužni profesor na University of Maryland, USA in eden najvidnejših raziskovalcev modernizma v Srednji Evropi.

Jeseni izide nova knjiga o katalonskem modernizmu, ki jo bo dodal izjemnemu seznamu:

Riga's Capital Modernism, (Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 2013)

New Histories and New Methods in Engaging the Eastern European Avant-Gardes,(special issue of ARS: Časopis Ústavu dejín umenia Slovenskej akadémie vied / Journal of the Institute of Art History of the Slovak Acadaemy of Sciences), vol. 45, number 1, December 2012 (guest editor)

Graphic Modernism from the Baltic to the Balkans, 1910-1930, (New York: The New York Public Library, 2007)

Modern Central European Landscape Design (special volume of CENTROPA: A Journal of Central European Architecture and Related Arts), vol. 4, number 2, May 2004 (co-edited with Joachim Wolschke-Bulmahn)

Gränsländer: Östersjön i ny gestalt (co-editor and author with Janis Kreslins and Robert Schweitzer) (Stockholm: Atlantis, 2003)[Latvian edition, with numerous additional essays by a host of authors, Riga: At'na, 2003]

Konok, (coauthor with Peter Baum and Lászlo Beke) (Budapest: Balassi, 2001) monographic study in French and Hungarian of a contemporary Franco/Swiss/Hungarian constructivist

Modern Art in Eastern Europe, From Baltic to the Balkans, ca. 1890-1939, (Cambridge University Press, 1999; softcover, 2000) awarded the Prix de la Confédération Internationale des Négociants en Oeuvres d'Art for best book manuscript in the arts for 1997; a publication subvention award from the Millard Meiss Publication Fund of the College Art Association of America; a special publication award of the Samuel H. Kress Foundation; and a publication award from The J. Paul Getty Grant Program

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