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Izjava in priporočilo vodstva CIHA / Recommendations from the CIHA Bureau


Med 9. in 14. majem 2011 je na Univerzi v Mariboru v organizaciji Filozofske fakultete UM in Slovenskega umetnostnozgodovinskega društva ter pod pokroviteljstvom Mednarodnega odbora za umetnostno zgodovino – CIHA potekal znanstveni simpozij Umetnost okrog 1400. Globalni in regionalni pogledi (več na spletni strani http://artaround1400.si/). Simpozija so se udeležili tudi predsednica CIHA prof. dr. Jaynie Anderson (The University of Melbourne) in pet članov ožjega vodstva CIHA: prof. dr. Ulrich Großmann (Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nürnberg), prof. dr. Peter Krieger (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México), prof. dr. Helmut Lorenz (Universität Wien), prof. dr. Peter Schneemann (Institut für Kunstgeschichte Bern) in prof. dr. Toshio Watanabe (Chelsea College of Art and Design, London). V petek, 13. maja 2011, so se sestali na ločeni seji in med drugim razpravljali o vtisih z dveh ekskurzij, na katere smo se odpravili v okviru simpozija. Posredovali so nam naslednji zapis, ki ga zaradi jasnosti in natančnosti objavljamo v izvirniku:


Recommendations from the CIHA Bureau
During the international colloquium Art and Architecture around 1400: Global and Regional Perspectives, which took place at the University of Maribor (Faculty of Arts) from May 9th till May 14th under the auspices of Comité International de l'Histoire de l'Art (CIHA), the members of the CIHA Bureau were able to see for the first time some of the most important Slovenian monuments from around 1400. On May 9th we visited the Carthusian monastery Žiče and some important churches and archaeological excavations in Celje. On May 12th we had an amazing excursion to Turnišče, Selo and Martjanci, Ptujska Gora and Ptuj. We wish to congratulate you on the quality of your artistic heritage in Slovenia. We were particularly impressed by the Charterhouse at Žiče as an example of one of the earliest Carthusian monasteries outside France, and by the pilgrimage church of Ptujska Gora.
We received the impression that the authorities take considerable care of these monuments. Nevertheless we would like to express our concern about some of your policies of restoration. Every intervention supposes an interpretation. We would suggest in any future interventions at the monuments such as Žiče Charterhouse and pilgrimage church at Ptujska Gora, that there is consultation with international experts. These monuments are among the most important parts of Slovenian heritage. Any reconstruction implies a modern interpretation of the past. It is always best to be conservative. In the case of monuments as valuable as Žiče Charterhouse and pilgrimage church at Ptujska Gora we recommend giving priority to archaeological presentations of the actual state of the monument as much of original material as is possible. Reconstructions should only be made in exceptional cases with the full support of the international scholarly community.
We suggest that you consider appointing an international panel and committee of experts who would give advice on the best procedures for treatment of monuments such as Žiče Charterhouse and pilgrimage church at Ptujska Gora. CIHA would be pleased to offer help and assistance in any way.

To be sent to:
-To the speakers of the opening of the colloquium
-To the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia
-To the institute of the Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Slovenia
-To be published in Zbornik za umetnostno zgodovino, Bilten of the Slovene Art History Society and in Umetnostna kronika

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